All hail Helen!!

All hail Helen!!
Helen Carmona and your humble blogger

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hughes step forward

How huge a start was it for Phil Hughes? Sometimes, it seems life was better before every spring training game was on television, because without access to the games fans and writers weren't tempted to place so much emphasis on these early outings. Nevertheless, this is the 21st century -- all access, all the time -- and it has to be said that Phil Hughes looked great for three innings Sunday when he took the mound against the Minnesota Twins. Just as encouraging was his fourth inning, where he started to show a little fatigue and less command of the strike zone, but still managed to get through the inning without having surrendered a hit during the game.

Who knows how the next start will turn out, but Yankee fans can walk away from Sunday's start with a positive outlook.


Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Kei Igawa. Yeah, he threw two hitless innings, but the three walks didn't do anything to assuage fears that he still hasn't developed the nerve to face big league hitters and throw strikes consistently. How much do facial expressions mean in terms of pitching effectiveness? Probably not much, but who can watch this guy pitch and not feel that he just looks overwhelmed? Every time I see him, I get the feeling he's dreading his next mistake rather than being aggressive and trying to go after batters.

It probably doesn't help his confidence when he reflects on what his two countrymen helped the Red Sox do last season (and it can't help that he's playing beside Japan legend Hideki Matsui). I live in Taiwan, not Japan, but if there is any overlap in the way the public can ridicule someone who is perceived to be a failure -- and failure is the kindest label to put on Igawa's brief tenure in the Bronx in 2007 -- then Igawa must have had his psychological foundation shaken and stirred by the reaction of Japanese fans and media. The guy's up against it, but that excuse won't get him a free pass from Yankee fans. I may be wrong, but he looks to me like he's on his way to becoming the Japanese Ed Whitson.