All hail Helen!!

All hail Helen!!
Helen Carmona and your humble blogger

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Perfect Picture

One of the great things about watching the BJays game was seeing the trio of players laughing it up in the dugout after A-Rod's HR -- A-Rod, Jeter, and Pettitte -- and then noticing that right next to them, and completely uninvolved in the banter, was the useless Carl Pavano.

When the book on Brian Cashman gets written, will there be a bigger stain on his legacy than bringing in this creep? Only if Kei Igawa continues to tank will there be a competitor in the Which Move Sucked The Most? chapter in the Cashman bio. Just the sight of Pavano sitting there -- still in uniform; still taking a roster spot that could have gone to Andrew Dice Clay or any other washed up comedian the Yankees feel like signing (oh, excuse me, Billy Crystal) -- was enough to make me sick..... until I saw him ostracized by the other three (contributing) players who were obviously enjoying a genuine moment of camaraderie. It may be a sign of mental weakness to get a thrill at the expense of another person's downfall, but call me challenged if you will. There's no point to being nice about the Pavano disgrace.

And how soon until the Yankees can send him off to the 60-day DL and get him out of sight for good? Sadly, not soon enough.